Every personal injury case and wrongful death lawsuit is different. While other cases could take several years to resolve, some may be resolved quickly. The timing of the case is significantly influenced by its facts and circumstances.

The length of time it takes to resolve a personal injury case can also be influenced by external events outside the control of the injured person or the personal injury lawyer. A knowledgeable lawyer will understand your need to complete the case, get your money, and move on with your life if you have been injured in a slip and fall accident, car accident, or any other circumstances.

A legal team from itrlaw diligently pursues your personal injury claim in order to settle your case as quickly as possible without compromising the value of your claim. Let’s take a look at how much time it will take to do initial consultation and evidence gathering in order to seek compensation for your case.

Initial Consultation:

Your medical attention comes first after an accident or injury. The majority of people will not start looking for a personal injury law firm until their medical costs start to mount up or an insurance adjuster starts pressuring the person to accept a settlement offer.

Accident victims gain from receiving proper legal advice from an experienced injury lawyer from Itrlaw. They offer free consultations and will not cost you anything to meet with an attorney even if you don’t hire them.

You can be able to discuss the details of your accident and injury with your lawyer during the initial consultation. They will answer all your questions and provide an assessment of your claim based on the information you provide. Depending on the situation of your case, a personal injury lawyer could take a few days to gather more information about the case before giving you legal advice.

Evidence Gathering:

When you hire a personal injury lawyer for your case, he will start investigating the claim and gathering evidence. During this period, you will be still under a doctor’s care and receiving medical treatment for your injuries.

Investing a claim and evidence collection might take several weeks or months. But, in a complicated product liability case or commercial truck accident case, an investigation may even take six months or longer to complete.

It is necessary to investigate every line of inquiry until every piece of evidence is found and preserved. The evidence and the facts that your lawyer obtained during the investigation will play a major role in your case. Without proper evidence proving negligence and fault, you cannot be able to recover the compensation you deserve for your damages.

Bottom Line:

It usually takes 2 to 5 years after the accident for a personal injury claim to be resolved. The case that takes the longest time to settle is the ones that involve complicated injuries where extensive treatment and time is needed to determine the severity of the injury.